Sunday, December 27, 2015

How to SEO - Optimize my Blog to increase the Page rank on Google Search?

Have you came across a situation when you started writing Blogs but receiving no traffic? It is the worst situation in a Blogger's life. The content of the blog matters alot but despite of writing excellent content and a wonderful blog, no one is there to read your blog as it not appearing on the first page of Search Engines like Google. In this situation, SEO is the only boat that can save you from drowning. Today, I am going to discuss to SEO Optimize your Blog to increase the Page ranking on Google Search. 


Read the 5 Stage Process of SEO first to have a better understanding of the topic. Read the Full Article in the following Link
5 Stage SEO Process to become an SEO Expert

Now coming to the topic, let us Remember few points that we have to keep in mind while posting a Blog:

  • Title Tag.
  • Meta Tags.
  • Header Tags (H1, H2, ....... , H6).
  • Image (filename, Alt text)
  • Internal link
  • URL
  • Robots.txt
  • XML Sitemap
Have you remembered the above points? Remember it by heart as you will need it during the entire journey of your blogging career.

Now we'll discuss the above mentioned points in detail to help you understand and implement better SEO on your blog. 

1) Title Tag

  • The Title should be Short, Unique, and should have a good sales pitch (should have around 65 characters or 15 words).
  • Should accurately describe the Page's content.
  • Avoid the Default or vague titles (like Untitled, Page1, etc).
  • Avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Create unique title tags for every page on your site.
  • Avoid using a single title across all of your Website's pages or a large group of pages.

2) Meta Description Tag

  • The Meta Description should be Short, Unique and have good sales Argument. Google allows around 160 characters)
  • Accurately define the page's content.
  • The Meta Description should be well connected to the title.
  • Use unique descriptions for each page.

3) Header Tags

  • Use only one H1 element on any page.
  • Use <h1> for top level heading.
  • Accurately describe the page's content.
  • Unlike the title, this element can include links, emphasis and other HTML phrase elements.

4) Image Optimization & Graphic Alt Text

  • Choose a logical file name that reinforces the keywords.
  • Label the file extension.
  • Make sure that the text nearby the image is relevant to the image.
       <img src= "" alt=""these are the keyords I'm                  targeting" width="70" height="90"/>

     Points to be avoided:
    • You can use hyphens in the name to isolate the keyword, but avoid to exceeding two hyphens.
    • Avoid using underscores as a word separator.

5) Anchor Text / Anchor Links

  • Anchor text is a good practice.
  • The text of Anchor Links should be Descriptive.
  •  Use Anchor text / Anchor links for the internal links too.

6) Dofollow / Nofollow Link

  • When creating a link on a webpage using HTML, the standard code for that link should be:
          <a href=""> Search Engine Optimization</a>

  • To tell the spiders to NOT crawl a link, you need to add the following code to the HTML code above: rel="nofollow".
          <a rel="nofollow" href=""> Search Engine Optimization </a>

7) URL's

  • Use words rather that numbers.
  • Provide one version of a URL to reach a document redirect www or non-www (canonical) to concentrate all reputation 301 Redirections.

8) Robots.txt

  • You robot.txt file would be located in the main directory of your website as per below example:

         Please open the above link to see the robots.txt of NavStorm's website.
  • Use the structure as follows:
    • User Agent : *
    • Disallow :

9) Sitemap.xml

  • Your website sitemap should be located in main directory of your website as per below:

  • Your Website Sitemap should follow Google's XML Standards.

10) Semrush Tool

  • I have saved the best one for the last. Semrush is the best SEO and SEM tool available in the market. I am personally using this tool and trust me guys, this tool has boosted my site's traffic drastically. Enter your Website name in the Semrush tool below to check the your website SEO health.

By taking all the above mentioned measures, it will definitely improve your Page Rank on Google. I hope you liked the post and learned a lot about SEO. If so, please Like our Facebook Page and also Follow us on Twitter.

Happy Blogging!


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