Saturday, December 26, 2015

Solution to "You do not have permission to run the 'Object Name' Object Type. Contact your system administrator to have your permissions changed." | NavStorm

Solution to "You do not have permission to run the 'Object Name' Object Type.  Contact your system administrator to have your permissions changed." | NavStorm

If you are getting this error "You do not have permission to run the ''Object Name' Object Type.  

Contact your system administrator to have your permissions changed."  

Solution to "You do not have permission to run the 'Object Name' Object Type.  Contact your system administrator to have your permissions changed." | NavStorm

This is a pure permission error which is cause due to lack of permissions in your license file.You have to check that you have uploaded the developer license or not because only developer license has rights to design the objects. For steps to upload license follow this link "Steps to upload license file".

I was getting this error "You do not have permission to run the ''Object Name' Object Type.  Contact your system administrator to have your permissions changed."  because, I have uploaded navision 2013 license file on navision 2009 , that's a common problem developer's  face while working on different version's simultaneously.

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Thanks for reading

Shubin Dongre


  1. Thanks for the right cause because I have searched so many sites but didn't find the true cause,of dis error

  2. I'd like to add that, while yes, this is a permission error, on NAV 2009 R2 Classic and lower those errors can always have two possible causes: Either, like you described, your license file needs updating, or you simply don't have that object in your NAV role(s). The error does not differentiate between the two.

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